Downtown Fayetteville
Fayetteville’s downtown square continues to transform, and innovate, while maintaining the city’s historic streetscape, and welcoming a variety of new businesses.
unique dining & shopping
The revitalization of Downtown Fayetteville has created an environment for businesses to thrive, as a result, a number of shops and restaurants have chosen our downtown as their home.
city Parks & activities
Amazing places with awesome people! Come explore our City with a variety of self-guided walking tours. Main Street Fayetteville has created easy and fun DIY tours for explorers of all ages.
The Ville Amphitheater is owned by the Downtown Development Authority and managed by the Main Street Tourism Association.
Main Street Fayetteville
Main Street Fayetteville exists to support the downtown Main Street district of Fayetteville, GA. Our organization operates under an appointed board of directors, and hosts community events, concerts and activities.
MSTA/DDA Meetings
The Main Street Tourism Association & The Downtown Development Authority meets the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at City Hall on the second floor (210 Stonewall Ave W)

Members of the Main Street Tourism Association & Downtown Development Authority are appointed by the Mayor and City Council. MSTA members serve two year terms, and DDA members serve four year terms.
Board of Directors
- Nancy Musselwhite- Chairperson
- Jamie Wyatt- Vice Chair
- Dan Vano- Secretary/ Treasurer
- Sam Burch
- Leah Christian
- Andrew Poliak
- Joe Clark
Four Point Approach
Fayetteville Main Street uses the patented Main Street Four-Point Approach to support preservation-based revitalization of our historic downtown.
economic restructuring